I went to school in rural Virginia near the confluence of two major interstate systems (I-81 and I-64). Yet despite this, there were no less than 4 Italian Sub/Pizza/Obesity Dens, all run by Italians who drive Hummers. You do the English.
My favorite Cheese Steaks came from Frank's. I liked to add Mayo, Green Peps, Onions, and Lettuce (for the health benefits). Frank's was within walking distance of the fraternity house, not that we ever tested that theory though. I would say conservatively in 4 years of college I ate close to 250 Cheese Steaks. One time, I ate two in one hour, which led to me almost a) dying b) accepting a bet for $500 that I couldn't eat 20 cheese steaks in 5 days. It was so bad Oprah called me fat.
So imagine my delight in going to Stein's the other day and seeing that the Tuesday special was a Philly Cheese Steak. I had to restrain my inner fat from ordering two! And this Philly was so good, it brought me back to Bush's first term. An Italian roll, more squishy than our french bread, thin sliced rib eye grilled to perfection, Cheez-wiz (authentic and god dammit its good), onions and green peppers. Grease/juice/cheez/angel dust ooze out and drip all over like culinary napalm, so be careful.

Lettuce and mayo on your cheesesteaks? The Philadelphian in me gasps at the audacity. Glad to hear a decent cheesesteak might be found here though.
Like I said it was for the health benefits. Other options available at Stein's for your Philly include Pizza Sauce. I did not see Ranch dressing, although I plead the fifth concerning my involvement with Ranch dressing and food in college.
To me, pizza sauce belongs on a Steak-Um, not a cheesesteak. But I am from Northern PA, so what do I know.
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