The Cut: Entrana con fina la Piel, from La Boca
In the New Orleans culinary underground, Lorin Gaudin knows where the bodies are hidden. She has been active in the New Orleans food scene for years and as a result has a finely tuned ear for New Orleans food gossip. She will probably kill us for saying this, but she has photos of Robert Peyton wearing little more than his trademark sweater vest, Docker's No Wrinkle Slacks, and a scowl.
This is not to say that she is a ginnywoman, but rather that she is well tuned into the stories and motivations of chefs and restaurants. You can check out Lorin on WDSU TV on Thursday afternoons and on WBOK 1230 am on Fridays from 2-3 where she dishes out platefuls of restaurant and food news.
So when we needed a final candidate for the Farewell to Meat series, we naturally turned to her. Lorin graciously agreed, and here is her take on what would be the perfect Mardi Gras dinner.
1) Where are you eating? La Boca
2) What cut of meat? Skirt steak with the skin on.
3) How cooked? The way it comes - juicy and cooked-through.
4) What else are you eating with it? Golf salad and those incredible garlicky fries with the green chimichurri.
5) What are you drinking with it? Whatever fabulous Argentinian wine Adolfo Garcia suggests.
6) What are you giving up for Lent? Bread. I figure Lent dovetails nicely with Passover when Jews give up eating anything leavened. Oh, did I mention I'm Jewish?
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