We generally travel to eat. Ohhh sure, I'll meander through a church or take a glance at a painting or two. Museums interest us, but I always find that I spend less time in each successive room. But easily we spend the most amount of time wandering through markets, saddling up to a bar to slurp oysters, or tearing off chunks of bread and hunks of cheese. Call us small minded by eating my way through a different culture is the best way to learn about people. Well, besides asking them.
This is where I turn to you, dear readers and denizens of this corner of the information superhighway. Please let me know where we should eat, drink, and eat and drink. Thanks and Peter comes back tomorrow. If your suggestion is a good one, I'll bring you back a limited edition T Shirt that says, "I read Blackened Out and all I got was this crappy T Shirt."
hey, my husband and I (also NOLA residents) are going to Spain on oct. 11, also spending a bunch of time in Barca. I will forward you a list of suggested restaurants we received from some very food-savvy friends in NYC, which helped inform our choices; to what address should I send it?
Best (and love the blog!),
I've been going to the area for several years, with a friend living in the mountains outside of San Sebastian. Will you be going to the Basque area? If so I can weigh in heavily. I have several favorites in Barcelona (was last there in June) as well. Shall I put the info here (will be extensive) or send it to you via direct E-mail?
Done said it before, but I'll say it again: Museu de Jamon and the Casa Calvet. It's too bad you're not going to be in that area around the time of the Festival of San Juan. There are special meals served in even the smallest seaside towns that call to mind reveillon dinners here, and people are fishing all night around the Mediterranean coast.
We also popped into a place in Valencia reminiscent of an American Legion hall where we thought we'd get good paella, but all the old codgers were preoccupied with watching the bullfights in Rondo like it was the Saints in the Super Bowl. It was still a kick to have an Estrella Dam with these guys as they let out some crusty "Oles" at a particularly good kill by a young matador.
Another good one? El Churrasco in Cordoba. Cordoba itself is a glory. Y'all enjoy.
Will be mainly in and around Barcelona on this trip. Have gone to Basque area previously and would love to go again, but not this trip. Any suggestions you may have can be sent to Blackenedout at gmail. That way Peter can look at them also.
I am headed to Madrid next year and will be hopefully making a trip into Basque country and maybe even into Bourdeaux. Any tips about all of the above would be appreciated.
Museo de Jamon is okay. It's a chain, but a solid one. Barcelona isn't my stomping ground, but I can recommend places in Madrid all day.
@Peter: Two main places for really fun eats: C/ Cava Baja in La Latina or C/ Lavapies in Lavapies.
In the former, Almendro 13 for Huevos Rotos. Txakolina is great for Basque-style, modern pintxos. Taberna Tempranillo has fantastic atmosphere.
In Lavapies, hit up Bar Automatico for some traditional tapas (olives, dates wrapped in bacon, and a tiny caña or glass of wine), and Buga del Lobo for some exciting ones (goat cheese, honey, jamon croquetas).
We honeymooned in Spain and Cal Pep in Barcelona is a can't miss. Lunch: small bar, no menu, a bottle of wine, and the dishes come until you say no mas.
I recommend staying away from the lucky dog stand in the airport before any overseas flights, you are welcome
Go to El Quim de La Boqueria. Order the Huevos con Chipirones. Thank me later.
Taller de Tapas and Igueldo Restaurante are also amazing.
Cal Pep
Kiosko Universal
Cinc Centis
Quimet i Quimet
What I wouldn't give to be sitting at any of these fine establishments right now.
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