Sauce. Just cover me in sauce.
A note about the hickory smoked sauce: I think one of the most underrated touches at Bud's is how they keep a pot of sauce warming on a burner at all times. A small but crucial step in the euphoria that is a #4.
In the instance of fairness, I decided to skip the french fries in favor of trying another one of Bud's specialties: #7 - a butterflied and charcoal grilled hot dog with chili, cheese, and onions. This is why life in New Orleans is worth living.
It was a divine experience, which called for much patience considering that there were 10 people ahead of me in line when I got there and 15 people in line when I left. As I ate in the upstairs dining room (which thankfully has a much improved A/C window unit), I overheard a woman talking on her cell phone while she waited for her number to be called: "Girl, you are never going to believe where I am. Bud's Broiler on City Park. I swear yo Gawd they have the same dirt on the floor. You got to come here for lunch this week." She took a bit of poetic license in her description. The joint is actually cleaner than it has ever been before, even though they somehow preserved the old wooden tables with names carved in the them. There are even a few outdoor tables for seating.
As much as I love Bud's, my feelings pale in comparison to those of The Pope. His first question upon hearing of the reopening: "24 hours?" Unfortunately such is not the case, so La Papa will have to continue making his late night sojourns to the one on Clearview. In any case, during "normal" business hours, The Pope Mobile need only make that short drive to City Park Ave to accomplish a long journey down memory lane.
* This link is safe for work. Sound is not necessary but preferential. You can fast forward to 1:30 if you would like.
In 1964, Justice Potter Stewart tried to explain "hard-core" pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced . . . [b]ut I know it when I see it . .
That, sir, has no artistic merit. It is merely pornography of the worst kind. It makes people lascivious and lustful. It leads to crime, broken families, and the degradation of the American Dream. I order you to remove that porno from the public sphere.
Catfish Ryan just bought a 24" Redline Pro to ride with me while I'm on my 24" GT Power Series. We're going to Bud's as soon as the Redline is shipped to Lakeview.
On an unrelated note, the Huatulco Tickler is amazing. The sweet berries and the wry taste of mint blended with fine gin made the sting of Myammee's victory a little less sore.
MMMM... I have to go there as soon as humanly possible! Now I've got an acute craving. Thanks a bunch.
The #4 is my all-time favorite as well. This entry actually prompted me to go WAY back on my blog... Bud's was the subject of one of my first blog entries ever:
Who would've known you could buy something so close to heaven itself for just a few bucks?! I certainly would never have guessed were it not for Bud's.
I'm glad the place reopened but I must say Bud's hamburgers are exceedingly mediocre.
a DOUBLE MEAT #2, a #9 with onions, and a large cheese fries. LOVING IN YOUR MOUTH
Hey Anonymous, every party has a pooper and that is why we invited you!
Bud's Burger MEDIOCRE??????
That jack doesn't know sauce.
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