Well, here at Blackened Out Media, where we are often called sophomoric, we dont have enough clout to get a reservation at the above; so instead, we are going to treat our viewers and the blog to a photographic scrapbook documenting the late part of the summer/early fall. Translation: Rene had a camera twice and just figured out how to post photos.
In this first picture we find Peter manning the raw oyster bar at the Louisiana Restaurant Association Expo. Now, we intended to report on this affair, however we forgot. Just know this, it was fun. Peter loves raw oysters and so when he found this booth he did not leave for 3 days straight. He set all kinds of records, but we are most proud of the fact that he is the only person in LRA Expo history to be escorted out by both the NOPD and the Health Department.

Why does Rene look like a bee just stung him? Well, its because of the bottle of vodka in his hand. Kalashnikov Vodka comes in a special designer bottle that mimics the distiller's other dangerous invention. Up next, an AK-47 that looks like a bottle of vodka.

The sign pictured below reads, "Eat More Pork, Be a Better Lover" We eat a lot of pork but mostly it has just made us love pork more.

"Jesus Christ, it is the guy's from Blackened Out, how the eff did you find me...No, I never read your blog. And you both smell like oysters, booze, and Mandarin Oranges," says Chef John Besh, "But seriously next time I am on Next Iron Chef I will ask that yall be the judge instead of that Ruhlman dude."

Stay tuned for the next 9 months. Where we will hopefully unveil a Papal Wine Column, more photos, worse writing, and a special feature that is so secretive the FBI has flagrant tap my cell.
Check out the website www.rawoysteralert.com. I was shocked to learn that several individuals die each year from the consumption of raw oysters that are contaminated with naturally occurring Vibrio bacteria. Some gulf states have chosen to not take action in order to make raw oysters safe for ALL consumers.
Several years ago, the state of California made a requirement that all imported raw oysters must be pasteurized and since that requirement was put into place there have been NO FURTHER DEATHS in that state.
In order to affect change, consumers need to only accept oysters that are SAFE through post harvest processing or through being cooked. Consumer demand drives the market and the industry would be forced to provide oysters that did not lead to unnecessary deaths.
The website www.rawoysteralert.com has a wealth of information available and also explains how you can help in making the consumption of oysters safe for everyone.
Dear Jennie,
You are entitled to your opinion. Here is ours - written by someone much more knowledgeable and eloquent than us:
Now, could you please pass the cocktail sauce so that I can knock back this dozen raw?
Its a shame people that should be poisoned by raw oysters rarely are.
Renee is lucky he didn't drop that gun shaped vodka bottle. He would have had to cough up $18.99
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