If you have ever traveled through Spain, are planning a future trip to Spain, or simply cannot afford a trip to Spain and are looking for the next best alternative, then make your reservations for an extraordinary wine dinner at Rio Mar on Thursday September 16th at 7:00pm.
We at Blackened Out have been working with fellow blog character Spaniard to organize the first of what will hopefully be a recurring series of wine dinners at some of our favorite local restaurants. Hosting the first dinner will be none other than Gerry Dawes, the award-winning writer and travel guide on Spanish gastronomy, wine and culture.

Gerry has worked diligently with his favorite importers and local distributors selecting 6 different wines for the dinner, which will include vintages and varietals not often seen on local menus. While Gerry has focused on filling the glasses, Chefs Adolfo and Miles have designed a special 9 course menu to match the wines. The menu will feature many specialties from the Galician region, including delicacies such as sweetbreads and stuffed squid. Before dinner and in between courses, Gerry will offer tasting notes on the wine and entertain diners with tales of his visits to the various wineries and regions throughout Spain.
The cost of the dinner is $125 inclusive of food, wines, tax and tip. Reservations are necessary and seating is limited to 60 people. Call 525-3474 to reserve your seat today, as this dinner is sure to sell out quickly. To read an interview with Gerry about the upcoming dinner, check out this nola.com article by Todd Price.
White Wines: Godellos
White Wines: Godellos
A Coroa
Casal Novo
Castelo do Papa
Red Wines: Mencias
Casal Novo
Peza do Rei
D. Ventura Viña Cañeiro
Food served family style in waves
Pulpo a la feira Parillada de mariscos
(seasonal fish, mussels, shrimp, clams and hopefully razor clams)
Empanada Gallega
Sardinas Asadas
Chocos Rellenos
Other Dishes
Cecina Estilo Leon de Aqui
Caldo Gallego
Lacon con Grelos
Mollejas con Pimientos
Xarrete de Ternera con Papas
- Menu is subject to change -
Hi, Peter, it was great being out on the town with you and Josh Hudson last night at Rio Mar and Boucherie. Many thanks and many thanks for the nice write-up on what I sure is going to be a terrific dinner. I am glad we got a chance to do some in-depth research on the A Coroa Godello last night at Boucherie. Looking forward to this evening. My best, Gerry
I just learned about your event(s) and wanted to tell you
about our site, www.LocalWineEvents.com. If you already post to the site -
thank you, we are just trying to make sure you're aware.
It’s free to post your food and wine events to LWE, which has over 119,000
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~ Lee
Director of Promotion & Publicity
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