A few weeks ago I visited the Harbor with two of the Lakefront's finest citizens: Rough Country and Big Brutal Dave. Though we are friends from long long ago, both of these characters happen to be up-and-coming attorneys at different big shot firms in the city. Between listening to them talk about how many hours they billed last month, we managed to eat some pretty good food.

A filet sandwich. It's back there buried underneath that mountain of sauteed mushrooms, grilled onions, and shredded cheddar. And an order of cheesetots. This plate is exactly the reason why I prefer Lakeview Harbor over Port of Call: variety - of which Port of Call offers none and Lakeview Harbor offers some.
As an aside, you may have noticed a few tots missing from the picture. (I apologize for the poor quality of the photo, but I have never claimed to be Robert Peyton.) Anyway, it so happens that when the food came, both Rough Country and I were away from the table. Seizing upon this opportunity, Big Brutal Dave decided to help himself to a few of my tots, but he was not fast enough and I caught him red handed (and red faced). After sitting back down I received a text message from a friend who had been watching the robbery from one table over. It said:
"What's interesting is that he didn't take a fry... it was all cheese... and he looked like a 5 year old on Xmas."
Lawyers are lame. Why do you think so many of them are trying to be food writers instead?
You need to find some better friends.
A place called "Harbor" that doesn't specialize in seafood. Strange. Steer clear of the crab cakes, which Flamingo Pete calls "pretty much the worst".
While I respect your opinion and very much enjoy your blog, I can't understand how an individual of your wisdom and intelligence could possibly say something to the effect of "Lakeview Harbor is better than Port o Call."
Now, don't get me wrong - the Harbor is my part of my Saints away game routine. The girlfriend and I typically order a couple burgers and a couple Typhoons to go (God I love New Orleans) and I sit on the couch, devour my burger and my typhoon, as well as most of my girlfriend's, and scream obscenities at my tv. It's a perfect yat Sunday, and I can't think of anything I would rather do.
BUT, while Lakeview Harbor is a sold establishment, Port Of Call it is not. I have never gotten a burger cooked anyway other than perfect at POC. The Harbor on the other hand, can be hit or miss.
The Harbor scores points for convenience, sweet potato fries and hot bartenders. POC scores points for having the best burger ever.
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