The first is a free cheese tasting tonight at St. James Cheese Company where you can indulge in two of the finest parmigiano reggiano and goudas from around the globe. No, we are not talking about that stuff in the can. If you're lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of the St. James Girl, the winner of both the 5000th and 20,000th blog visitor sweepstakes. That's like hitting the Powerball... twice.
On the other end of the spectrum in the case you're more of a good ole shredded American kind of cheeselover, well then we've got you covered as well. Picture this: It's 4am. You have just finished imbibing your 8th Flaming Dr. Pepper at the Goldmine. You want Camellia Grill, but they're already closed. F&M's is too crowded to wait for cheese fries, and late night run through Taco Bell just won't cut it.
When it seems like all hope is lost, just stop and think: WWTPD? (What Would The Pope Do?)

Flamingo Pete refers to it as "Yellow Cheese".
I wasn't able to make it last night. Good time?
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