Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby, Its Hot Outside

In honor of Mr. Armstrong's birthday this week and Satchmo Fest this weekend, here is our review of Hansen's Sno-Bliz in this month's offBEAT Magazine.

Did we really just embed a video, successfully? This calls for a celebration. Simple question, leave your answer in comment. What is either your favorite Hansen's flavor or the most unique combination of flavors you have ever tried. Enjoy the heat and the humidity this weekend, folks.


Donnie Boy Riguez said...

Anything sugar-free!

Anonymous said...

Root beer and cream of nectar (aka "nector" according to one of the boards inside)

Kyle Gordon said...

limeade with condensed milk

Awren said...

There is a god [in pineapple and satsuma mixed].

MindyMoo said...

Satsuma, just plain. Sometimes I do 1/2 Satsuma 1/2 Limeaid.

Rene said...

Mindy Moo getting WILD! Try the citrus flavors hot rodded.

Donnie Boy of course disappoints. The rest of you, well done.

Fump and Manny's said...

Half pineapple half cocunut, and three or shots of clear bacardi poured in out of your pocket flask, puts New orleans orig daq'a to shame, but be sure and bring a cane to beat the Wino's and people who are just leaving grits from the night before from attacking you on the way to your car.

Slangston Hughes said...

Can't go wrong with either a Blueberry hot rod or Chocolate Mint with condensed milk!